There is something especially sweet about praying for someone using God's words and thoughts.
Prayer works. God Hears our hearts and answers us through His word.
He is not a Genie in a bottle, or a magician in a book.
He is the one true Lord and He not only knows you by name, but hears your voice.
Do you want to experience His love in an amazing way?
Commit to praying God's word over your family, your friends and yourself for one month.
Keep a journal of the scriptures you pray and those who you pray for.
Ready? Let's Get started.

For someone in fear, surrounded by trouble, and needing help. Add their name (or yours) in the blank.
"The Lord is the strength of ______'s life, of who, shall he/she/I be afraid?"
"For in this time of trouble HE shall hide _____. In His pavilion: in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide ______;
He shall set _____ high upon a rock." Psalm 27:1, 5
Need more? Read all Psalm 27!
Just replace the "me, my, and I's" to suit your prayer!
Be of good cheer! Wait upon The Lord!
Yes, that's a lizard.
I am not saying we are scaly and creepy. I love the lighting in this picture.
I can imaging the warmth of the sun and the songs of the birds. It is quiet here, peaceful, beautiful. When I read, "He shall set me high upon a rock" I picture a safe, quiet, warm place like this...
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