July 16, 2010

Can We Watch a Show?

My children ask me this question every single day. I
 usually hear it within 2 minutes of them stumbling out of bed and then every few hours throughout the day.

I am not a daytime TV watcher. I am on my feet all day (Or in this chair) pittering and pattering about my home's business. I decided a few weeks ago that I would limit my children's TV diet to just "when daddy is home". I explained this rationally to the whole crew and popped of the TV. Surprise! They have survived.

The most amazing thing to me was how much I was used to them watching during different times of the day.
First thing in the morning they would watch while I wrote.
At noon they would watch while I made lunch.
They big kids would pop on the TV whenever I got on the phone.
The house was calm and quiet.
Now my kids wake right up in the morning ready for activity. They are reading, playing, and talking more.

I realized in the first day that I had leaned on the television to quiet my children when I needed to get something done... SHAME ON ME!
I immediately panicked about the morning hour, because this is when I was writing. I quickly told myself I needed to see I had put my children on the back burner and to fix that now.

If you read my blogs, you will have noticed I haven't been writing everyday. Now you know why.
I am talking with my husband.
I am out walking with my children 1-2 a day.
I am teaching my little guy how to ride a bike.
I am decorating wagons for parades.
I am coaching a 17 year old on how to get a job.
I am reading to my children.
I am choosing special times to cozy and watch TV with my family.

Of course I am still in the withdrawal stages myself. I had set some pretty lofty goals for myself that are not possible if I am being a good wife and mom. I have a really hard time changing a goal once it is set.
Like my children I know, I will survive!

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