Do you have a SEAL Team of prayer warriors?
I do and I want to challenge you to form one of your own.
This is a sticky suggestion, because I do not want any acknowledgement for this idea, yet it is so heavy on my heart that I simply have to share.
My hope is that you will pick up your spiritual knee pads and begin a lifelong journey of becoming a prayer warrior and that you will be blessed beyond words to watch the Lord assemble your own prayer SEAL Team.
Prayer is not easy.
As a matter of fact, it can be hand to hand combat.
All heck breaks loose when you begin to pray.
Intercessory prayer is sacrificial and all consuming. I am not an expert, but I can tell you that prayer is powerful and effective. I have seen prayer answered time and time again.
Why pray if it is so hard?
I have argued with the Lord about prayer.
"Why do you wait for me to pray before You fill a need or answer a heart's cry? You know what I need before I ask, so why do I have to ask?"
I know. I can be a spiritual brat. But the Lord loves me anyway.
God simply wants to spend time with me. He loves me.
This past season in my own life has been a "diving into prayer season'.
It has been universe altering season for me.
My heart and hope is that you not only pray too, but that the Lord will bless you with
a prayer team like mine.
My SEAL Prayer team can be counted on day or night. If I ask for prayer, they are on it.
I can physically feel the prayer. It is indescribable.
The most amazing thing is that most of my prayer warrior team do not know each other.
In fact, one of my most trusted prayer warriors is a special lady I met while commenting on a homeschooling facebook page. She and I hit had an exchange while talking about homeschooling that has turned out to be an incredible friendship. She has been used by the Lord to bless me in ways indescribable yet I have never heard her voice. (You know who you are...)
Why SEAL Team?
SEALs are a special breed of soldier. I recently heard a SEAL say that "they are not any better than anyone else, just more willing to give their life in battle". SEALs simply never quit- no matter how hard the battle. Being a prayer warrior is like that- we must be willing to give our lives in prayer.
The ladies that the Lord has surrounded me with in prayer are just like that.
- They do not just say they will pray... They close themselves in a prayer closet and pray.
- They keep praying until the Lord answers. (Sometimes His answer is no, but He always answers)
- They share God's word and speak the truth in love... even if it hurts.
- They are connected to my life just like those boys in the picture above... We are linked in prayer while the storms of life rage and they never let go.
- I can simply text the words, "please pray" and the Holy Spirit does the rest.
My prayer SEAL Team is anonymous to each other.
I love that.
There is complete peace in having prayer answered through God's prayer warriors.
Building a prayer team is entirely up to the Lord, but it begins with you.
Begin your journey today by praying and asking the Lord to deepen your prayer life with Him.
He loves to talk with us and to hear our voices.
Prayer pleases God. It delights His heart to know we love Him and want to spend time with Him.
The enemy hates this. Prayer is attacked from every direction. Press in and keep praying.
Ask the Lord to show you pockets of time that you can truly begin praying. Ask Him to teach you how to pray. Ask Him to show you who you can pray for, and begin praying for them.
If you are like me, busy, busy, busy you may have a hard time finding three minutes strung together.
My best prayer time is when I am drying my hair or driving my car. God is faithful to show us pockets of time. The hard part is taking advantage of that time.
I would encourage you to pray.
God is waiting to hear from us all the time. Because He loves us. Because He loves our voice. Because He wants to reveal Himself to us.
Are you a prayer warrior? Anyone can be... You just need to be willing- God is faithful to train you...
Thank you for spending so much time on your knees that you likely need a pair of spiritual knee pads.
Do you have a hair dryer? Here is where the Lord started my season of prayer. The Prayer Dryer.