When I interact with people on the Internet, sometimes I ask for prayer.
When people say they will send positive thoughts my way I am often left scratching my head.
I am sorry, but sending positive thoughts to someone is not the same as sitting at Jesus's feet talking to Him about what is on my mind.
Don't get me wrong. Butterflies are good. Strawberries are only made better by that wonderful coating of chocolate. But let's be real. They will do nothing for me.
Jesus on the other hand, is not only positive- He is real and ready to handle whatever I bring to Him.
I have seen Him answer prayer.
Its not just a coincidence. there are countless examples of answers to prayer, but here are a few:
Prayed my sons surgeon would have renewed strengths and wisdom during one of of his surgeries.
-doctor shared afterward that half way through, our son had begun to bleed I expectantly, but after the bleeding was controlled the surgery went better than they expected.
Prayed for mercy during a very difficult pregnancy. Baby was in an excruciating position
-baby turned sideways for the duration of my pregnancy and relieved much if my pain.
Prayed for clothes (knowing I needed maternity clothing and could not swing a new wardrobe at the time)
-received 2 huge boxes of maternity clothing unexpectedly from my mother in law ( who lived 2,000 miles away and did not know I needed them). She said she walked into a store that was having a blow out sale and couldn't resist. **she had never sent clothing before or since**
Prayed with young son that God would help people in our neighborhood to stop hanging a scary skeleton from a tree because it terrified him.
-that year, they cut down the tree and never hung another skeleton.
These are just a few answered prayers off of the top of my head. Again, I say I scratch my head when someone thinks of puppies for me when I ask for prayer. Why? Because its so beautifully obvious that there is a true and living God. He not only created us, but He loves us. He cared for us. He wants us to talk to Him, to trust Him, to rely on Him.
Do you know Jesus? If you have any doubt about whether He is real, take the time to ask Him to show Himself to you. Then: wait, watch, and listen.
This is one of those prayers that is always answered.
Your turn: share an example of answered prayer. Please;).
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