Did you ever hear something that you wished you could pass along to others?
A dear friend shared this broadcast with me about a week ago. It took me many days to find the 30 minutes to listen, yet the Lord had the timing chosen perfectly.
As I made a triple batch of waffles, and my sick children cuddled and watched a short television show, I threw on my headphones and listened.
Here's a teaser.
Do you know a perfect Christian? You know. That gorgeous, wonder woman of a Christian who is forever smiling, forever joyful, forever doing "It all" and never complaining? Does she make you mad? Envious? Discouraged?
Have you ever been at the end of your rope, and chose to cling on anyway: with no where to go?
Click here and Save this link of Lisa Harper. If I know my God, He will find the perfect timing to speak to your heart as well...