My husband and I snuck away to a small town along the central coastline of California this past weekend.
To say it was relaxing and wonderful would be a definitely understatement.
We enjoyed dinner, walking along a wooden boardwalk along the ocean, touring a castle, a romantic dinner overlooking the ocean, and exploring the beach.
With my first step onto the shore I was hooked. From the slope we climbed down the sand was dark; almost black. Unexpectedly as we jumped onto the beach we found ourselves giggling. We were ankle deep in beautiful pebbles!
I was mesmerized. This beach was not at all what it appeared. The stones captivated me.
The more I looked, the more beautiful they became.
I love unexpected blessings. From a distance, I can be fooled. I was confident that beach was covered in sand and stunned when I discovered it was not. This beach was not what it appeared to be.
From a distance (to some) my life seems to be made of sand: simple, plain, and even a bit boring.
Yet up close my life is overflowing with pebbles of blessing.
Varying shapes and sizes of color, depth, and beauty.
The closer I examine my own life that more amazed I am at how much evidence there is that the Lord loves me. A loving husband, beautiful and healthy children, a safe and secure home, amazing family and friends, a love for the written word, a hunger for quiet moments surrounded by creation...
My life is that beach. Until you step into it you will be sure it is sand.
Once you are here, like me, you will see I stand with my feet on the Rock.
June 25, 2010
There is a mysterious flower in my front yard. My neighbor tells me she planted these bulbs for the owner of our home over a year ago and that they have the most splendid blossom imaginable. I have been weeding and watering and watching as this interesting plant grows. The heads on the flowers are developed and I anticipate that any day they will begin to blossom... I can't wait!
And yet I must. These blossoms will not be rushed. They will bloom when they bloom no matter how eager I am to see them. Anticipation is exciting. The challenge for me is to enjoy the time of the hopeful waiting rather than pining away for what "will be".
Today, I anticipate a romantic weekend with my husband. We are sneaking away for a long over do time away- just the two of us. I am up early, excited and filled with the almost guilty feeling of anticipation.
This post is for me.
I see the weekend in my mind, and like this flower I am not sure what to expect. I know it will be beautiful, but I continually have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy this moment as well. This moment of wondering and waiting. This moment of loving on the boys. This moment of packing and preparing.
The weekend, like the blossom, will come for now I will choose to live in this moment.
Anticipation is good, but LIVING is better.
June 23, 2010
Haircut for Our Puppy
We sent our puppy to the groomers for the first time yesterday.
He got the works; a shampoo, blow dry, and a summer "field cut".
He is an Australian Shepherd and had developed a magnificent coat over the winter.
The only problem was that, aside from being extremely hot, his coat was a magnet for every thistle and fox tail within 10 feet of him.
So long story short, we had him shaved.
I am stunned at what the grooming did.
It revealed that under that mature looking, beautifully handsome dog there was a puppy hiding.
The puppy is awkward and even timid looking. Not at all the "adult dog" we thought we had.
I am like that in life. I wear my coats of "wife", "mother", "daughter", and "friend".
On the outside I look mature and like (at rare moments) I might even know exactly what I am doing.
But on the inside I am like our shaved puppy. I am just Bekki.
I think if I could see myself without my "coats" I would see an awkward and timid girl who clings desperately to her Lord.
I am so thankful that the Lord sees me as I really am.
He must smile when I get "dressed" each day.
When I see the puppy I am humbled.
Lord I am just like that.
Help me never forget that everything else is something I put on myself, but what really matters is what is beneath the surface.
You are not impressed with my fancy coats.
You are only interested in my heart.
I pray I never put on things that will weigh me down or draw "thorns and thistles" to my life.
June 22, 2010
A Grain of Sand
Ever feel like a grain of sand?
Small, gritty, insignificant?
Most days, that's exactly how I feel.
Don't get me wrong. I am not talking about a "poor poor pitiful me" insignificant.
On the contrary. I am one of the most blessed women to ever walk this planet.
What I mean is insignificant, gritty, and small.
If I never breathed another breath on this side of eternity... would my life have made an eternal impact on anyone?
You see, if I do not do something eternal with my life, then, I have done nothing with my life.
"Like sands through the hour glass..." my life would have had no real meaning.
I love the beach. The serenity, the beauty, the sand...
I love the feeling of warm sand on my feet. I love to walk the shoreline.
When I look at the sand I realize that anyone grain of sand make no impact on the beauty of the shore.
Rather its the collective grouping together of "like kind" that makes the beach so amazing.
Maybe like me, you wonder if your life is like a grain of sand. "Am I significant?" I wonder.
If I set my heart and eyes on the treasures of this world then I join the grains of sand on the shore. Mixed together and shaken and impossible to be distinguished from another grain.
If I set my heart and eyes on an eternity with the Lord and I share that with others, then I am making a conscious choice to be significant.
Gritty? Yes, at times I am an irritant to those around me.
Small? Yes, my life is but a vapor. I brought nothing into this world and I will take nothing of this world when I leave... So how should I live my life?
Like eternity is the only thing that matters. It is truly the only thing that will last.
Will I make some uncomfortable? Likely, although not maliciously.
I'd rather be the irritant in some one's eye that causes them to wash the sand away...
...if ...the end result is that they "see" what they have never seen.
Small, gritty, insignificant?
Most days, that's exactly how I feel.
Don't get me wrong. I am not talking about a "poor poor pitiful me" insignificant.
On the contrary. I am one of the most blessed women to ever walk this planet.
What I mean is insignificant, gritty, and small.
If I never breathed another breath on this side of eternity... would my life have made an eternal impact on anyone?
You see, if I do not do something eternal with my life, then, I have done nothing with my life.
"Like sands through the hour glass..." my life would have had no real meaning.
I love the beach. The serenity, the beauty, the sand...
I love the feeling of warm sand on my feet. I love to walk the shoreline.
When I look at the sand I realize that anyone grain of sand make no impact on the beauty of the shore.
Rather its the collective grouping together of "like kind" that makes the beach so amazing.
Maybe like me, you wonder if your life is like a grain of sand. "Am I significant?" I wonder.
If I set my heart and eyes on the treasures of this world then I join the grains of sand on the shore. Mixed together and shaken and impossible to be distinguished from another grain.
If I set my heart and eyes on an eternity with the Lord and I share that with others, then I am making a conscious choice to be significant.
Gritty? Yes, at times I am an irritant to those around me.
Small? Yes, my life is but a vapor. I brought nothing into this world and I will take nothing of this world when I leave... So how should I live my life?
Like eternity is the only thing that matters. It is truly the only thing that will last.
Will I make some uncomfortable? Likely, although not maliciously.
I'd rather be the irritant in some one's eye that causes them to wash the sand away...
...if ...the end result is that they "see" what they have never seen.
June 17, 2010
Sigh of Relief
My friend's son made it through his surgery yesterday and had a good night last night.
I feel myself sigh in relief, almost as though I have been holding my breath for the few months I have known about the surgery. I trust the Lord with his life, but you and I both know that the Lord's ways are not my ways. Even though I trust Him completely, I am never sure how He will work all things out. For now, I sigh a huge sigh of relief because so far, this thing is working out in a way that I am comfortable with...
The only trouble is I only sigh as I exhale, because I again feel like holding my breath as I trust and wait for the total end result for my friend and her son.
Sometimes life is like this (OK, for me it can be more often than I would like to confess). I breathe out and and am totally thankful for the step the Lord just lead me through, only to inhale and hold my breath again for the next step... Am I the only one who struggles with this? I bet not.
The Word is so clear that we all are walking through a very imperfect life.
Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people.
Some times life has no rhyme or reason to it.
I have learned over and over that the times when life is the least clear are the times in life that I grow the most in my Christian walk.
Now, I did not say that these are the times I enjoy the most, but they definitely reveal exactly what I am made of and my utter dependency on the living God to get me through. It is in these "foggy hours" that I can see the reality of my truth: I actually am never in control.
When life is acceptable by my standards, I forget that I am not the master of my own universe and I might actually take credit for a "job well done". Ugh.
Life is backwards. When things are going great I can be the most blind. When all heck breaks loose and I cannot see where I am going or how I will take my next breath I can see the most clearly...
I need Jesus. I need His love, comfort, guidance, support, rebuke, teaching, leading, protection, friendship and anything else He extends to me. He is truly the God of all creation and is the One who walks through life with me. He never leaves me, never forsakes me. When I am too weak to walk (just like that old poem "footsteps" says) He carries me.
I cannot always feel Him. I cannot always hear His voice. I cannot always see the evidence that He is there... But He is always there... So I breathe. One breath at a time.
Sometimes I am enjoying life so much that, like my heart beat, I give my breath not even a second thought.
Other times, I feel like I am gasping for breath and utterly lost with out medical assistance to breathe in and breathe out.
This morning I am aware of my need for air as I pray for my friend, her son, and her family. I breathe in and out thankful not only for my own breath, but for her son's breath as well...
I feel myself sigh in relief, almost as though I have been holding my breath for the few months I have known about the surgery. I trust the Lord with his life, but you and I both know that the Lord's ways are not my ways. Even though I trust Him completely, I am never sure how He will work all things out. For now, I sigh a huge sigh of relief because so far, this thing is working out in a way that I am comfortable with...
The only trouble is I only sigh as I exhale, because I again feel like holding my breath as I trust and wait for the total end result for my friend and her son.
Sometimes life is like this (OK, for me it can be more often than I would like to confess). I breathe out and and am totally thankful for the step the Lord just lead me through, only to inhale and hold my breath again for the next step... Am I the only one who struggles with this? I bet not.
The Word is so clear that we all are walking through a very imperfect life.
Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people.
Some times life has no rhyme or reason to it.
I have learned over and over that the times when life is the least clear are the times in life that I grow the most in my Christian walk.
Now, I did not say that these are the times I enjoy the most, but they definitely reveal exactly what I am made of and my utter dependency on the living God to get me through. It is in these "foggy hours" that I can see the reality of my truth: I actually am never in control.
When life is acceptable by my standards, I forget that I am not the master of my own universe and I might actually take credit for a "job well done". Ugh.
Life is backwards. When things are going great I can be the most blind. When all heck breaks loose and I cannot see where I am going or how I will take my next breath I can see the most clearly...
I need Jesus. I need His love, comfort, guidance, support, rebuke, teaching, leading, protection, friendship and anything else He extends to me. He is truly the God of all creation and is the One who walks through life with me. He never leaves me, never forsakes me. When I am too weak to walk (just like that old poem "footsteps" says) He carries me.
I cannot always feel Him. I cannot always hear His voice. I cannot always see the evidence that He is there... But He is always there... So I breathe. One breath at a time.
Sometimes I am enjoying life so much that, like my heart beat, I give my breath not even a second thought.
Other times, I feel like I am gasping for breath and utterly lost with out medical assistance to breathe in and breathe out.
This morning I am aware of my need for air as I pray for my friend, her son, and her family. I breathe in and out thankful not only for my own breath, but for her son's breath as well...
June 16, 2010
I Understand What You are Going Through
I have heard this spoken to me and I have voiced this same idea to others... but is it true?
I have a friend who at this very moment sits and waits for her son to come out of surgery. He is having his 4th open heart surgery today. Without the surgery he will likely die, but this surgery is complicated and he might not make it through the procedure itself. Do I understand what she is going through? Yes and no.
I have sat in her chair and said goodbye to my own son as he let go of my hand to walk into an OR with a nurse... I have watched those door close and then melted into tears. I have stumbled back to family and friends who were sitting and waiting to comfort me and wait... I have spent countless hours in prayer both before, during, and after surgeries- never quite sure how it will all work out. I have watched surgeons walk toward me and scanned their faces to try to decide before they speak if it will be good news or if their words will alter my life. I have sat by the bedside of my son while he winces in pain held together by staples and tape. I have heard the beep, beep, beep of the monitors ping for what feels like eternity.
Even though I have sat where she sits right now, I do not understand what she is going through. Her sons condition if far worse than my sons. She has sat in that chair more times than I, and each time not been sure if she would hold him again. No, I do not understand.
My mom sits in her chair 2,000 miles away from me, not sure if her condition will cause her to loose her ability to walk and take care of herself for the rest of her life. She sits in between specialist appointments, waiting with every tick of the clock whether the other shoe will fall and create an intolerable living condition. Do I understand what she's going through? Yes and no. I have had one "bad" mammogram in my life that left a gap between detecting and knowing that I was OK that was too hard to bear. I listened to the tick-tock of the clock as I imagined all the bad things that could happen, all the things I would miss if it was the "worst case". I have watched people walk right on by completely unaffected by my life's challenges... Whether I waited for my son to recover or waited for a diagnosis, they danced on by. Some would stop and sit a while, but eventually life goes on right... I do not understand what my mom is going through, because her condition is far more rare than my questionable mammogram was. There are few doctors who can offer answers for her, and fewer still who would actually dare to help... No, I do Not understand.
Why do we say those words to others? Our lives are so different and our circumstances impossible to compare. What is easy for you to walk through may be a death blow to me.... SO why do we say it?
I think we say it in an attempt to ease our own inability to do anything about the trial. We can't fix it, so we try to relate to it. We compare the struggles of others to something that we ourselves were tormented through and even feel empowered to say, "I understand..."
The truth is we do not understand, but there is a truth that I hold onto.
This truth is what empowers me to pray and encourage others who are suffering...
When our son was in surgery for the 3rd time, a friend handed me a Bible verse written on the tear-off cardboard top of a tissue box. There in pen was 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Later when I looked up the verse I read
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."
Do you see what I see? It doesn't matter necessarily that we understand one another's troubles per se. What matters is that we look for and hold on to the fact that God comforts us in trouble. After our own trial, when someone close to us is in trouble we can say, I may not understand exactly what you are going through, but I do know the Lord will walk you through your trouble the way He walked me through mine. If He cared enough to comfort me, He will certainly care enough to comfort you...
To my mom who waits, I would say the Lord is waiting with you. He has never let me down, so I am confident He will not let you down either. I may not understand or be able to help you in anyway; but He can.
To my friend who sits in the waiting room... The Lord loves your son more than anyone. He can be trusted with the trial of surgery and recovery better than anyone else. People may say they understand... They don't... But the Lord does... He understands the anguish of your heart and the faithful tears that flow as you await His will...
For me... I will be forever aware of the words "I understand". Truly I do not... Thank the Lord in heaven that I do Not need to understand, I simply need to trust and be available to comfort those who fall into ANY trial. It will be different from mine, But the Lord who lead me through will be the same Lord that leads them through...
I have a friend who at this very moment sits and waits for her son to come out of surgery. He is having his 4th open heart surgery today. Without the surgery he will likely die, but this surgery is complicated and he might not make it through the procedure itself. Do I understand what she is going through? Yes and no.
I have sat in her chair and said goodbye to my own son as he let go of my hand to walk into an OR with a nurse... I have watched those door close and then melted into tears. I have stumbled back to family and friends who were sitting and waiting to comfort me and wait... I have spent countless hours in prayer both before, during, and after surgeries- never quite sure how it will all work out. I have watched surgeons walk toward me and scanned their faces to try to decide before they speak if it will be good news or if their words will alter my life. I have sat by the bedside of my son while he winces in pain held together by staples and tape. I have heard the beep, beep, beep of the monitors ping for what feels like eternity.
Even though I have sat where she sits right now, I do not understand what she is going through. Her sons condition if far worse than my sons. She has sat in that chair more times than I, and each time not been sure if she would hold him again. No, I do not understand.
My mom sits in her chair 2,000 miles away from me, not sure if her condition will cause her to loose her ability to walk and take care of herself for the rest of her life. She sits in between specialist appointments, waiting with every tick of the clock whether the other shoe will fall and create an intolerable living condition. Do I understand what she's going through? Yes and no. I have had one "bad" mammogram in my life that left a gap between detecting and knowing that I was OK that was too hard to bear. I listened to the tick-tock of the clock as I imagined all the bad things that could happen, all the things I would miss if it was the "worst case". I have watched people walk right on by completely unaffected by my life's challenges... Whether I waited for my son to recover or waited for a diagnosis, they danced on by. Some would stop and sit a while, but eventually life goes on right... I do not understand what my mom is going through, because her condition is far more rare than my questionable mammogram was. There are few doctors who can offer answers for her, and fewer still who would actually dare to help... No, I do Not understand.
Why do we say those words to others? Our lives are so different and our circumstances impossible to compare. What is easy for you to walk through may be a death blow to me.... SO why do we say it?
I think we say it in an attempt to ease our own inability to do anything about the trial. We can't fix it, so we try to relate to it. We compare the struggles of others to something that we ourselves were tormented through and even feel empowered to say, "I understand..."
The truth is we do not understand, but there is a truth that I hold onto.
This truth is what empowers me to pray and encourage others who are suffering...
When our son was in surgery for the 3rd time, a friend handed me a Bible verse written on the tear-off cardboard top of a tissue box. There in pen was 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Later when I looked up the verse I read
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."
Do you see what I see? It doesn't matter necessarily that we understand one another's troubles per se. What matters is that we look for and hold on to the fact that God comforts us in trouble. After our own trial, when someone close to us is in trouble we can say, I may not understand exactly what you are going through, but I do know the Lord will walk you through your trouble the way He walked me through mine. If He cared enough to comfort me, He will certainly care enough to comfort you...
To my mom who waits, I would say the Lord is waiting with you. He has never let me down, so I am confident He will not let you down either. I may not understand or be able to help you in anyway; but He can.
To my friend who sits in the waiting room... The Lord loves your son more than anyone. He can be trusted with the trial of surgery and recovery better than anyone else. People may say they understand... They don't... But the Lord does... He understands the anguish of your heart and the faithful tears that flow as you await His will...
For me... I will be forever aware of the words "I understand". Truly I do not... Thank the Lord in heaven that I do Not need to understand, I simply need to trust and be available to comfort those who fall into ANY trial. It will be different from mine, But the Lord who lead me through will be the same Lord that leads them through...
June 15, 2010
"I'm Fine, How are you?"
When I ask you, "How are you today?" Do you feel yourself want to share "Oh, I am fine, How are you?"
Maybe your answer is "good", but rarely will someone tell me... "I am struggling with..."
How is it that I have become so self-absorbed in my own life, that those I care about do not feel that they can begin with the truth...
Instead of sharing that they are scared, overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, excited, happy, or thankful they smile and say, "Fine, how are you..."
This is not OK with me. I want more from my relationships. I want people to know that they can let their "hair down" and be real without fear of being judged by me. The opposite is true as well... I want to be truthful with those who may ask me the same question. If its true for me, its true for someone else:
There are only a few people in my life that when we ask each other how we are we jump right in.
The next sentence will begin with a laugh if we are great, or tears if we are not. We are raw and we feel safe.
Now, you and I both know that people are mean and unforgiving. They are judgemental and can be down right hurtful. How do I know, because I can be myself. I definitely have those people that I will always be "fine" with, and I am OK with that. My heart is not safe in their hands. What I am thinking about today are those people who are dear to me; My husband, my children, my family, and my true friends. I ask myself if I were to ask you out of the blue how you were today, would you dare to start right in the middle of the truth of this moment, or would you hold back and start with a "fine" and test the waters to see if your heart is safe with me... I pray that you would always start where you really are.
If you ask me how I am and I respond "fine" you'll know I am either hiding something or too distracted o have heard your question. Ask me again... I am never FINE. I believe you are never Fine.
I may be excited, elated, frustrated, confused, thankful, content, or even scared... but never FINE. Fine says, "Don't ask me about my life" where as the words in color say, "This is how I am, ask me why..."
So I ask you... How are you today?
Maybe your answer is "good", but rarely will someone tell me... "I am struggling with..."
How is it that I have become so self-absorbed in my own life, that those I care about do not feel that they can begin with the truth...
Instead of sharing that they are scared, overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, excited, happy, or thankful they smile and say, "Fine, how are you..."
This is not OK with me. I want more from my relationships. I want people to know that they can let their "hair down" and be real without fear of being judged by me. The opposite is true as well... I want to be truthful with those who may ask me the same question. If its true for me, its true for someone else:
There are only a few people in my life that when we ask each other how we are we jump right in.
The next sentence will begin with a laugh if we are great, or tears if we are not. We are raw and we feel safe.
Now, you and I both know that people are mean and unforgiving. They are judgemental and can be down right hurtful. How do I know, because I can be myself. I definitely have those people that I will always be "fine" with, and I am OK with that. My heart is not safe in their hands. What I am thinking about today are those people who are dear to me; My husband, my children, my family, and my true friends. I ask myself if I were to ask you out of the blue how you were today, would you dare to start right in the middle of the truth of this moment, or would you hold back and start with a "fine" and test the waters to see if your heart is safe with me... I pray that you would always start where you really are.
If you ask me how I am and I respond "fine" you'll know I am either hiding something or too distracted o have heard your question. Ask me again... I am never FINE. I believe you are never Fine.
I may be excited, elated, frustrated, confused, thankful, content, or even scared... but never FINE. Fine says, "Don't ask me about my life" where as the words in color say, "This is how I am, ask me why..."
So I ask you... How are you today?
June 14, 2010
Backstage and All Access Pass
If I ask simple questions of my favorite people and then sit silently with an interested expression on my face, simple yes no responses eventually turn into heart felt amazing conversations where they will let me into that secret place deep within their heart. You know that place where only those who have special "backstage passes" are allowed. Where dreams are alive, fears are challenged, hopes are expressed, and relationships flourish. Without this backstage pass, we get to visit our loved one from the crowded concert hall- only experiencing what they present professionally. Oh, the show can be fantastic and we may give standing ovations... but we have no idea what we have missed. I adore my people. I want more than to be their fan in the center row of their life's show. I want to share the bus rides, find the napkin so they can jot down the lyrics to the tune that popped into their head, share the joy of an amazing life tour. I want an all access pass to their life, hopes, and dreams.
Have you ever been to a concert that made a lifelong impression on you?
You spend the extra money to get center stage seats and even save up and splurge for the "backstage" pass.
As you watch the show you are mesmerized. From where you sit you can touch the performers hands, see the expression on their face, feel the emotion of the songs they sing. The lights are blinding, the smoke magical, the experience priceless. As the band plays their last encore, your heart begins to pound... you know you are moments form going backstage. In a few moments you will be "hanging out" with the band.
My husband, children, family, and friends are rock stars to me.
At some point people chose who they perform for and who they live life with. People consciously (and sometimes unconsciously) chose to allow me to access backstage, or they smile and give me the best seats in the house. I do not know about you, but I would rather be backstage.
A back stage pass is good... but I want the "all access pass". I want to be part of the tour not just the show.
I want to stand and watch the show from the curtain at the side of "stage right".
I want to be the first to congratulate them on a job well done, or be the one they sit and cry with when life's tour doesn't go as planned.
This all-access pass comes only by up front investment. My time. Listening. Caring. Encouraging.
Oh sure, I can chose to simply buy the ticket to the show. I'll enjoy the; graduations, engagements, weddings, holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and the like.
I will enjoy this show- but it will never be all it should be. When I am permitted to share in the behind the scenes, We enjoy the show together... That's what I want.
There aren't enough holidays, birthdays, children, weddings, and celebrations to share with those who I love and adore. Plus, if I can be honest, concerts and life are really loud and "in your face" and you only get to see what is staged. Nope, I'd rather spend the time to earn the privilege to be handed the all-access backstage pass... How about you?
Have you ever been to a concert that made a lifelong impression on you?
You spend the extra money to get center stage seats and even save up and splurge for the "backstage" pass.
As you watch the show you are mesmerized. From where you sit you can touch the performers hands, see the expression on their face, feel the emotion of the songs they sing. The lights are blinding, the smoke magical, the experience priceless. As the band plays their last encore, your heart begins to pound... you know you are moments form going backstage. In a few moments you will be "hanging out" with the band.
My husband, children, family, and friends are rock stars to me.
At some point people chose who they perform for and who they live life with. People consciously (and sometimes unconsciously) chose to allow me to access backstage, or they smile and give me the best seats in the house. I do not know about you, but I would rather be backstage.
A back stage pass is good... but I want the "all access pass". I want to be part of the tour not just the show.
I want to stand and watch the show from the curtain at the side of "stage right".
I want to be the first to congratulate them on a job well done, or be the one they sit and cry with when life's tour doesn't go as planned.
This all-access pass comes only by up front investment. My time. Listening. Caring. Encouraging.
Oh sure, I can chose to simply buy the ticket to the show. I'll enjoy the; graduations, engagements, weddings, holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and the like.
I will enjoy this show- but it will never be all it should be. When I am permitted to share in the behind the scenes, We enjoy the show together... That's what I want.
There aren't enough holidays, birthdays, children, weddings, and celebrations to share with those who I love and adore. Plus, if I can be honest, concerts and life are really loud and "in your face" and you only get to see what is staged. Nope, I'd rather spend the time to earn the privilege to be handed the all-access backstage pass... How about you?
June 10, 2010
Oh ye of Little Faith
Remember the story about Peter and Jesus?
You know, there was a storm raging and the disciples see Someone walking out to the boat.
They all think its a ghost at first, and then Peter thinks he recognizes the Lord.
"Lord if its You, command me to walk on the water to you..."
Jesus says, "Come."
Peter instantly jumps out of the boat and begins walking through the storm to meet the Lord.
I love this. I love that there is no hesitation on Peter's part to jump right in. Wet. Cold. Scary. No problem... "The Lord is over there," so that's where he wanted to be...
The only problem was that in the storm, Peter lost sight of Jesus.
The waves caught his attention and caused him to look away.
We know what happened next, Peter got scared and began to sink.
He cried out to Jesus to save him, and of course the Lord did.
The cool part is that after they were back on the boat Jesus calmed the storm completely.
I sometimes feel guilty that I can related to Peter so well.
I am more than willing to jump right in and follow after Jesus, no matter the circumstances, but at times I waiver in my faith that it was a good idea...
I mean really...
Who in their right mind jumps out of a boat into a raging sea?
I can find my self focusing more on the water and waves than on the One who is there with me in the midst of it all.
Funny as life keeps on keeping on I continue to jump out of the boat and run toward Jesus.
I still struggle at times and find myself sinking in the water because I looked at the storm instead of the Saviour.
Praise the Lord and thanks be to God that His Mercy never ends!
He never waivers. He walks me through everything, picks me up when I fall, lifts me when I sink, and gets me to the boat. Then He smiles at me, raises His hands and calms the storm...
"Oh yea. You are God. You are in control." I remember.
Like I said, sometime I feel guilty that I can relate to Peter.
That is until a friend shared, "At least Peter got out of the boat!"
At least I get out of the boat...
You know, there was a storm raging and the disciples see Someone walking out to the boat.
They all think its a ghost at first, and then Peter thinks he recognizes the Lord.
"Lord if its You, command me to walk on the water to you..."
Jesus says, "Come."
Peter instantly jumps out of the boat and begins walking through the storm to meet the Lord.
I love this. I love that there is no hesitation on Peter's part to jump right in. Wet. Cold. Scary. No problem... "The Lord is over there," so that's where he wanted to be...
The only problem was that in the storm, Peter lost sight of Jesus.
The waves caught his attention and caused him to look away.
We know what happened next, Peter got scared and began to sink.
He cried out to Jesus to save him, and of course the Lord did.
The cool part is that after they were back on the boat Jesus calmed the storm completely.
I sometimes feel guilty that I can related to Peter so well.
I am more than willing to jump right in and follow after Jesus, no matter the circumstances, but at times I waiver in my faith that it was a good idea...
I mean really...
Who in their right mind jumps out of a boat into a raging sea?
I can find my self focusing more on the water and waves than on the One who is there with me in the midst of it all.
Funny as life keeps on keeping on I continue to jump out of the boat and run toward Jesus.
I still struggle at times and find myself sinking in the water because I looked at the storm instead of the Saviour.
Praise the Lord and thanks be to God that His Mercy never ends!
He never waivers. He walks me through everything, picks me up when I fall, lifts me when I sink, and gets me to the boat. Then He smiles at me, raises His hands and calms the storm...
"Oh yea. You are God. You are in control." I remember.
Like I said, sometime I feel guilty that I can relate to Peter.
That is until a friend shared, "At least Peter got out of the boat!"
At least I get out of the boat...
June 9, 2010
Sweet, Sweet Surrender
Sweet, Sweet Surrender (click to listen)
Words and music by John Denver
Lost and alone on some forgotten highway
Travelled by many remembered by few
Lookin' for something that I can believe in
Lookin' for something that I'd like to do with my life
There's nothin' behind me and nothin' that ties me
To somethin' that might have been true yesterday
Tomorrow is open and right now it seems to be more
Than enough to just be there today
And I don't know what the future is holdin' in store
I don't know where I'm goin', I'm not sure where I've been
There's a spirit that guides me, a light that shines for me
My life is worth the livin', I don't need to see the end
Sweet, sweet surrender
Live, live without care
Like a fish in the water
Like a bird in the air
Interpretation by Bekki
When I look around at my life I feel alone.
It seems I am on a road heading no-where and there is not another soul to be seen.
Many people have gone down this same road, yet most do not remember it
As I travel I search desperately for something I can believe in
What the heck am I supposed to do with my life?
yesterday holds no power over me,
Tomorrow is wide open and the truth is
that nothing is more real than where I am right now.
I can only live for today.
I have no idea what the future holds in store for me
I have no idea where life will take me, heck, I am not even sure of where I have been before now...
I hold fast to the Lord who guides me by His spirit and light
I open my heart and my life...
Even though I have no idea where I will end up,
My life is worth living.
If God truly is leading me, I do not need to see the end...
So I pray I will surrender with confidence
and that the surrender will be sweet
I pray I will Live, live without care of where God leads me, trusting He will be with me always
I will go where I am lead...
June 8, 2010
The theme on my heart this week is surrender...
I watched my Stephen surrender to the nurse yesterday to get his "big boy shots". Last week I watched my Micah get an IV and lay on a table and survive a 2 hour MRI exam (If you've never experienced that... WOW that machine is loud!).
I am struck by the difference between the two appointments. Of course the 4 year old struggled more than the 12 year old did... But they both had to choose to surrender. A few years back I had my oldest at a doctors appointment where he had to have an ingrown toenail worked on. He looked me square in the eye and said , "No. The doctor will NOT touch me."
Long story short, with the doctor in complete agreement The procedure was done. (Of course it took me and 4 nurses to hold him down, but it did get done).
I know the Lord knows whats best for me. He knows what things will mold me the quickest and with the least pain. The funny thing is that I have the ability to make the lessons harder then He ever intended to be.
Like that day I had to hold my son down for a "simple" procedure, I can make a mountain out of a mole hill... The Lord will still get HIS way. He knows what the end of the story is.
Don't get me wrong. No one likes to be in pain, especially me. I do not believe God wants us to hurt.
I think He looks at the things that cause us pain like I look at the shots my children must receive.
"I know this will hurt for a time, but in the end it will make you stronger..."
When my Micah has major surgery, it is excruciating as a mom to sit by his side. He is in too much pain, he goes down to basic body functions, all he can do is whimper. I hate these times... and yet... it has been in those times that I have seen the hand of God work miracles. Something unexplainable happens when your life is stripped to the bare bones. The unimportant things fade away and only the eternal things matter. It;s confusing to be in pain but to be thankful in the same moment...
Surrender. I wonder why this is what's on my heart this week. Like I have said before, I can be tempted to over think things, so I won't. Today I surrender once again. I pray that whenever I face pain, or sit with someone who does that I will not struggle against it. I pray I will surrender...
I watched my Stephen surrender to the nurse yesterday to get his "big boy shots". Last week I watched my Micah get an IV and lay on a table and survive a 2 hour MRI exam (If you've never experienced that... WOW that machine is loud!).
I am struck by the difference between the two appointments. Of course the 4 year old struggled more than the 12 year old did... But they both had to choose to surrender. A few years back I had my oldest at a doctors appointment where he had to have an ingrown toenail worked on. He looked me square in the eye and said , "No. The doctor will NOT touch me."
Long story short, with the doctor in complete agreement The procedure was done. (Of course it took me and 4 nurses to hold him down, but it did get done).
I know the Lord knows whats best for me. He knows what things will mold me the quickest and with the least pain. The funny thing is that I have the ability to make the lessons harder then He ever intended to be.
Like that day I had to hold my son down for a "simple" procedure, I can make a mountain out of a mole hill... The Lord will still get HIS way. He knows what the end of the story is.
Don't get me wrong. No one likes to be in pain, especially me. I do not believe God wants us to hurt.
I think He looks at the things that cause us pain like I look at the shots my children must receive.
"I know this will hurt for a time, but in the end it will make you stronger..."
When my Micah has major surgery, it is excruciating as a mom to sit by his side. He is in too much pain, he goes down to basic body functions, all he can do is whimper. I hate these times... and yet... it has been in those times that I have seen the hand of God work miracles. Something unexplainable happens when your life is stripped to the bare bones. The unimportant things fade away and only the eternal things matter. It;s confusing to be in pain but to be thankful in the same moment...
Surrender. I wonder why this is what's on my heart this week. Like I have said before, I can be tempted to over think things, so I won't. Today I surrender once again. I pray that whenever I face pain, or sit with someone who does that I will not struggle against it. I pray I will surrender...
June 7, 2010
Hurray! I Get Shots Today!
Today was the big day...
The final kindergarten doctor appointment for my children.
Stephen was so excited. HE was going to be a big boy.
We talked through the whole thing in advance; the measuring, the sight test, the hearing test, the "peeing in a cup", an of course the shots.
"hooray! I get shots today!" He declared excitedly. He marched around the house and told all his brothers.
As we sat in the doctors office, he was still excited. He asked me if they hurt. I said, yes. They hurt like a sharp pinch. I said you can say, "Ouch!" if you need to. He said OK.
Well, as you may have guessed, he was not pleased with the reality of the shots. They hurt more than he was prepared for. He said ouch for the first and yet by the second he started to cry and didn't even try to be brave f or the last one.
After he was all done he said, "Mommy you said it would hurt a little bit, but they really hurt a lot!"
We are never quite prepared for pain and suffering are we?
We may even dance around and look pain right in the face, but the truth is pain hurts. It disarms us.
Stephen was thankful I was there to hug him through it. As mom, I knew the immunizations were for his good, and yet it is always hard for me not to cry along.
I think life dishes us "not-so-fun" moments. I may think I am tough enough to handle whatever life throws my way, but the truth is pain levels me. It is especially effective when the pain is not mine, but my children's...
I am so thankful the Lord knows exactly how the current suffering works together for my good.
Shots hurt. Life can hurt. But God is always good...
The final kindergarten doctor appointment for my children.
Stephen was so excited. HE was going to be a big boy.
We talked through the whole thing in advance; the measuring, the sight test, the hearing test, the "peeing in a cup", an of course the shots.
"hooray! I get shots today!" He declared excitedly. He marched around the house and told all his brothers.
As we sat in the doctors office, he was still excited. He asked me if they hurt. I said, yes. They hurt like a sharp pinch. I said you can say, "Ouch!" if you need to. He said OK.
Well, as you may have guessed, he was not pleased with the reality of the shots. They hurt more than he was prepared for. He said ouch for the first and yet by the second he started to cry and didn't even try to be brave f or the last one.
After he was all done he said, "Mommy you said it would hurt a little bit, but they really hurt a lot!"
We are never quite prepared for pain and suffering are we?
We may even dance around and look pain right in the face, but the truth is pain hurts. It disarms us.
Stephen was thankful I was there to hug him through it. As mom, I knew the immunizations were for his good, and yet it is always hard for me not to cry along.
I think life dishes us "not-so-fun" moments. I may think I am tough enough to handle whatever life throws my way, but the truth is pain levels me. It is especially effective when the pain is not mine, but my children's...
I am so thankful the Lord knows exactly how the current suffering works together for my good.
Shots hurt. Life can hurt. But God is always good...
June 4, 2010
First Light
I love the quiet of the morning.
My favorite thing to do is to go for a walk, somewhere where it feels like I am all alone. That place without traffic and the hum that goes along with it.
That place where the loudest sound is the song of the songbird..
You know that time time of day where the world is lit yet the suns rays are not yet seen? That's the time.
It's here that it happens.
My favorite moment...
The sun peeks out from where ever its been hiding.
The rays of light spread through the trees.
The light seems to hand pick where to highlight. It's like watching a Thomas Kincaid painting come to life.
It's here among the songbird's song and the silent rays of the morning light that I hear the Lord most clearly.
I am usually too tired when I start walking... so in quiet wonder my feet move forward one step at a time.
I yawn, I stretch, I listen.
This past weekend, I enjoyed three spectacular morning walks.
I think first light is a spectacular time of day. The world seems to lazily sleep through this magical time (As I do most days). But with out fail, every time I am ready to greet it, it greets me back.
I am so glad I didn't miss it this day!
Walking in the early morning light is not the only place to experience "first light".
As I walk through today I will look for more:
That moment my little guy learns to read or tie his shoe, or master something challenging like whistling. You know that moment when their whole face lights up and they excitedly declare, "I did it!"
The light reflects off their eyes... I don't want to miss it.
Or when my husband of 20 years saunters into the room where I am busy doing something. He stops me, cups my face in his hands and looks me straight in the eyes and whispers, "I love you...: and then walks away...
First light moments are everywhere...
My favorite thing to do is to go for a walk, somewhere where it feels like I am all alone. That place without traffic and the hum that goes along with it.
That place where the loudest sound is the song of the songbird..
You know that time time of day where the world is lit yet the suns rays are not yet seen? That's the time.
It's here that it happens.
My favorite moment...
The sun peeks out from where ever its been hiding.
The rays of light spread through the trees.
The light seems to hand pick where to highlight. It's like watching a Thomas Kincaid painting come to life.
It's here among the songbird's song and the silent rays of the morning light that I hear the Lord most clearly.
I am usually too tired when I start walking... so in quiet wonder my feet move forward one step at a time.
I yawn, I stretch, I listen.
This past weekend, I enjoyed three spectacular morning walks.
I think first light is a spectacular time of day. The world seems to lazily sleep through this magical time (As I do most days). But with out fail, every time I am ready to greet it, it greets me back.
I am so glad I didn't miss it this day!
Walking in the early morning light is not the only place to experience "first light".
As I walk through today I will look for more:
That moment my little guy learns to read or tie his shoe, or master something challenging like whistling. You know that moment when their whole face lights up and they excitedly declare, "I did it!"
The light reflects off their eyes... I don't want to miss it.
Or when my husband of 20 years saunters into the room where I am busy doing something. He stops me, cups my face in his hands and looks me straight in the eyes and whispers, "I love you...: and then walks away...
First light moments are everywhere...
June 2, 2010
First Cozy of the Day
After my amazing walk through the mist and exploring nature I slowly head back to my sleeping family.
My heart is swelling with love and I am at total rest. I have spent the last hour walking and listening to my Lord and I am overflowing with love.
I find a quiet place to sit with a hot cup of coffee and my notepad so I can capture the essence of what I have just experience, when out stumbles my little Stephen.
With sleepy eyes and that adorable face he snuggles next to me on the swing. He realizes he is a bit chilly so he darts off and is back in an instant with a large stuffed lamb to help keep him warm.
We snuggle and talk about how beautiful the day is already.
He speaks in quiet whispers and as we cozy I get countless hugs and kisses...
Again my heart is full.

My mind of course wanders and contemplates this moment.
You see within minutes of rising my Stephen turns into a tornado, ready to conquer life single handed-ly.
Except for these quiet moments in the morning where all there is to do but snuggle and whisper, he never stops his quest for domination.
Its in these quiet moments that I capture or miss his heart for the day.
If I stop and spend that time with him he is calmer and more at peace during the day.
He feels loved and listens more attentively to me during the hustle and bustle of his life.
I think these morning cozies are the most vitally important. They set Stephen and I up for a more peaceful and joyful day each time.
I think this is what the Lord looks for from me each morning. He is waiting patiently for me on the "swing" as I sleepily stumble into the new day. If its cold, He smiles while I wrap myself in the arms of the Lamb.
He snuggles my souls as He whispers to my hear how much He loves me. He knows that if He is able to snuggle me in the early light, that I will walk more confidently at noon.
I am thankful that He waits for me with open arms each day. He knows that soon enough I will be racing around trying to accomplish that never ending "to-do" list. He must feel so loved when I come to greet him each day, like I felt that moment in the sun on the swing with Stephen.
I look for the opportunities to sit quietly with Him. For me, they are in the early light of day... Where that first cozy awaits.
June 1, 2010
The Mist
So I head out the door quickly and quietly to walk the dog. We stroll down to the edge of the little lake that rests at the end of the street.
The water is gloriously still first thing in the morning. I can hear the geese hidden in the reeds, and although I do not see them this trip, I am confident there must be at least a few older ducklings.
What is most striking about this lake in the early morning is the mist that slowly rises off the face of the water.
It catches me off guard every time. If only I could capture it on film...
I often see and hear creation praising the creator. The Lord gave me a heart to feel and eyes to see and I do feel and see...
If I sleep too long I miss it, so I tend to jump out of bed when I am near this natural wonder.
I sat in awe once again at the rising mist. As I walk quietly through the morning air I pray and sing quiet songs of Praise and worship. In the mist I can see a picture of my own heart rising to the ear of the One who knows every hair on my head.
The mist comforts me and calms my soul...
The water is gloriously still first thing in the morning. I can hear the geese hidden in the reeds, and although I do not see them this trip, I am confident there must be at least a few older ducklings.
What is most striking about this lake in the early morning is the mist that slowly rises off the face of the water.
It catches me off guard every time. If only I could capture it on film...
I often see and hear creation praising the creator. The Lord gave me a heart to feel and eyes to see and I do feel and see...
If I sleep too long I miss it, so I tend to jump out of bed when I am near this natural wonder.
I sat in awe once again at the rising mist. As I walk quietly through the morning air I pray and sing quiet songs of Praise and worship. In the mist I can see a picture of my own heart rising to the ear of the One who knows every hair on my head.
The mist comforts me and calms my soul...
Walking with God
I think of Enoch often. I love to walk with the Lord, Enoch loved to walk with God.
For me, there is something magical about an early morning walk with the Lord.
It's quiet. It's calm. I am not awake enough to be full of myself yet, so I am more apt to listen.
I spent the Memorial weekend celebrating our son's birthday near Yosemite.
My father in laws house sits nestled amongst trees and bushes so even though there are homes right next door, you do not see them.
We brought our dog Buck with us to visit and of course that means early morning walks. There are no fences surrounding the property, so I take advantage of the "need for a walk" and sneak out while my family sleeps.
I learned a lot about myself and the Lord this past weekend. I know I've learned these lessons before, but they were sweeter to me this trip.
I am confident that these are the thought I will share with you this week.
I did not have the ability to write and post out here, but I have quite a few thoughts I wrote down the "old fashioned way..."
Come walk with me...
For me, there is something magical about an early morning walk with the Lord.
It's quiet. It's calm. I am not awake enough to be full of myself yet, so I am more apt to listen.
I spent the Memorial weekend celebrating our son's birthday near Yosemite.
My father in laws house sits nestled amongst trees and bushes so even though there are homes right next door, you do not see them.
We brought our dog Buck with us to visit and of course that means early morning walks. There are no fences surrounding the property, so I take advantage of the "need for a walk" and sneak out while my family sleeps.
I learned a lot about myself and the Lord this past weekend. I know I've learned these lessons before, but they were sweeter to me this trip.
I am confident that these are the thought I will share with you this week.
I did not have the ability to write and post out here, but I have quite a few thoughts I wrote down the "old fashioned way..."
Come walk with me...
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